Monday, January 10, 2011

Countdown (2008)

I'm glad I ditched aping the beats long ago, but it was fun while it lasted.  Countdown, from 2008, and a laundry list of meaningless plagues: 


I sit in my room
And begin to think those
Big Thoughts, but tinged
With the caution words
That guys my age
Will let these bounce around
In swirling heads until
It’s time to put on ties
And polished shoes,
Possibly even the nice dress
Blazer when promotion
Chance rolls her shoulders
And smiles on the bloody finger


The thought comes about
Because always behind me,
In my shadow when I
Face the winter sun,
Are the sounds of American Dream—
At once slobbering wolf snarl,
Comfort woman’s voice through cherry lips,
And the happy clicking of Human Machine.
Oh why, oh why
Has the sound of my future
Life taken on the shape
Of Kerberos in my constant path?
And who am I to think
That as some Heracles
I can take the Dream from Death?


Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
Has it come to the point
Where our Muses place
Hands over our mouths,
Take pens from our hands,
Sink drills into our brains?
Or maybe now that whispering
Ghost perched near our hearts
Has picked up the dress
Of a Pharmaceutical Age,
Sending our bards
Into violent pantomime
On the dirty streets
Near cardboard windows.


Forsaken has the Ghost his Brother,
Crossed deserts
With gleaming pearl citadel.
Crossed swords
In golden waving fields dyed red.
Crossed time
On feet lightly singing sweet blasphemies.


Polished toes!
Polished toes!
The Father speaks,
The Mother knows!
A Dream they bore
And passed along,
Shaded eyes in shame,
Tongues cut off Truth,
Until the Son stares
Down red bed sheets
At brown
Polished toes!
Polished toes!

VI. Eulogy

Dust on a silken lace tablecloth,
Undisturbed grey layer,
And a miracle unwed,
My sister’s heart that beat
So few, and never in the light
Of a summer’s glowing day.

Am I then to feel sad
For not knowing her true smile?
Or can I imagine her face
And her short-cut hair,
Let the never-seen embrace
Of a never-had sibling
Lay heavily upon my head?
An unjust mourning,
Creature for the sake
Of filling in an empty plot—
Brown straight hair
And Livia’s strong nose,
Marble dream bust
For the sake of competing
With Kerouac’s living dead saint.


I cannot force the tongue to wend a path of lies,
Or the fingers to commit to paper a folly,
To look you in the eyes and say quite clearly
That I have no fear—
With my history of small self-injury, pointlessly
Post-act labeled with meaning,
But lacking in any substantial weight
Save of scar tissue and regret,
Of sitting in a room alone
When the melancholy piano tones
Of a simple palate marches lethargically
Through my speakers,
That dirge-draped parlor waltz.

I sat down to reaffirm my belief
That in each human heart a flower
Waits to sprout up through
The throat and present the central
Beauty of mankind in front of each face.
But then I remembered my waking dream,
The fear that gripped me
As I saw the slow-churn multitude
And their death-sheet faces
White with the cheek bones
Of laughing skeletons.

American mystic—
Do not fear the prophetic vision.
American mystic—
The truth is not botanical.
American mystic—
Discard the false eyes.

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