Saturday, January 15, 2011


2009 stuff.  No point in this, just impressions while listening to an album.  Good album, though.  I should probably say what it is, but whatever.  It's not that important.  Oh, wait, it's the title.  Rock'n'roll.


I see the night stretch
out like a razor thin wire
before me, slowly oscillating
sending shimmering light
with each tiny movement,
hundreds of waves
until even the moon is drowned
out by silver spreading glow.

then I am in a green field,
a single ancient tree in the distance
on a hill, the grass waist-high
and dancing with a subtle breeze,
swaying in slow motion
to the ghostly music of rustling,
starting in and out of unison
until finally every blade
forms ripples like water and I,
standing in that verdant sea,
begin to swim upon the moving
arms of grass.

I am now on a beach, wrapped in
a long coat looking over the
sad grey sea, settling after
the torrent of an autumn storm,
the sand wet and fading until
even it looks like the distant

an empty building, falling apart,
broken glass like punched-in
smiles, the rust thick, the rust
pungent, overwhelming rust
until even the flesh takes
on the slowing creaking decay.
the sun is outside and flirts
with illuminating the failed
cathedral of industry,
but its shine cannot penetrate
the clouds of dust, the still-standing
iron sides— and the specter
of the throbbing machines
stays hidden.

I am dying and I see one face
but I do not know her.
she sings to me old songs
she says I know, but their memories
have rotted, their bones
turned to dust long ago.
the sun is going down and I fear
another night of panic, sleepless
and painful, no way to know
if that forever promise of dawn
will finally end.

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